Posztdoktori kutató
- 2025/S Modern Physics BMETE15AP59
- 2024/W Physics Problem Solving Tutorial BMETE15AP58
My research activity focuses on many-body physics with applications to condensed matter and nanotechnology. I am interested in emergent phenomena and the collective behavior arising from quantum mechanical and strong correlation effects. I have a strong background in quantum field theoretical methods and extensive technical expertise in the numerical simulation of low-dimensional and molecular systems. I am a passionate and versatile scientist. My research experience naturally spans topics from different fields of quantum physics, material science, and chemistry, which I can tackle with a broad range of analytical and numerical techniques.
Reseach Topics:
Diagrammatic and numerical methods for strongly correlated electrons
Many-body effects -- from the bulk to the nanoscale
Molecular electronics
Quantum dynamics of many-body systems
Válogatott közlemények
Personal webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/angelovalli/home