Dr. Hetényi Balázs

Tudományos munkatárs

F III. mfszt. 4.
hetenyi.balazs (at) ttk.bme.hu
+36 1 463 2323

Válogatott közlemények

B. Hetényi, "Scaling of the bulk polarization in extended and localized phases of a quasiperiodic model", Phys. Rev. B 110 124125 (2024).


B. Hetényi and P. Lévay, "Fluctuations, uncertainty relations, and the geometry of quantum state manifolds" Phys. Rev. A 108 032218  (2023).

B. Hetényi and S. Cengiz, "Geometric cumulants associated with adiabatic paths crossing degeneracy points: Application to finite-size scaling of metal-insulator transitions in crystalline electronic systems", Phys. Rev. B 106 195151 (2022).

B. Hetényi, S. Parlak, and M. Yahyavi, "Scaling and renormalization in the modern theory of polarization: Application to disordered systems", Phys. Rev. B, 104 214207 (2021).

B. Hetényi és B. Dóra, "Quantum phase transitions from analysis of the polarization amplitude", Phys. Rev. B, 99 085126 (2019).

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