Dr. Kugler SándorPDF icon CV letöltése

Címzetes egyetemi tanár

F III. mfszt 3.
kugler.sandor (at) ttk.bme.hu
+36 1 463 2146

Válogatott közlemények

Selected journal publications

  1. Hurtony, T ; Szakál, A ; Almásy, L ; Len, A ; Kugler, S ; Bonyár, A ; Gordon, P
    Characterization of the microstructure of tin-silver lead free solder
    JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 672 pp. 13-19. , 7 p. (2016
  2. Lukacs, R ; Veres, M ; Shimakawa, K ; Kugler, S
    On photoinduced volume change in amorphous selenium: Quantum chemical calculation and Raman spectroscopy
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 107 : 7 Paper: 073517 , 5 p. (2010)
  3. J, Hegedus ; K, Kohary ; D, Pettifor ; K, Shimakawa ; S, Kugler
    Photoinduced Volume Changes in Amorphous Selenium
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95 pp. 206803-1-206803-4. Paper: 206803 (2005)
  4. Kugler, S ; Pusztai, L ; Rosta, L ; Bellisent, R ; Chieux, P
    The structure of evaporated pure amorphous silicon: Neutron diffraction and Reverse Monte Carlo investigations
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 48 pp. 7685-7688. , 4 p. (1993)
  5. S, Kugler ; I, László
    Connection between topology and Pi-electron structure in amorphous carbon
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 39 pp. 3882-3884. , 3 p. (1989)


  1. Morigaki, K ; kugler, S ; Shimakawa, K
    Amorhous Semiconductors: Structural, Optical and Electronic Properties
    Chichester, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2017) , 272 p.
    DOI ISBN: 9781118757925 ISBN: 9781118758236
  2. Kugler, S ; Shimakawa, K
    Amorphous Semiconductors
    Cambridge, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia : Cambridge University Press, CUP (2015) , 147 p.
    DOI ISBN: 9781107019348 ISBN: 9781139094337
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