Egyetemi tanár
Az Egzotikus Kvantumfázisok Lendület Kutatócsoport vezetője.
Az MTA-BME Kvantumkorrelációk és dinamika kutatócsoport vezetője.
Exotic Quantum Phases "Momentum" Research Group
Egzotikus Kvantumfázisok Lendület Kutatócsoport
MTA-BME Quantum Dynamics and Correlations Research Group
MTA-BME Kvantumkorrelációk és dinamika kutatócsoport
F III. mfszt Titkárság
zarand.gergely.attila (at)
+36 1 463 3568

Lecture series taught and supervised:
Mechanics 1-2 |
Many-body Theory I-II |
Statistical Physics I-II |
Phase Transitions and Criticality (until 2016: Scaling and Renormalization) |
Classical and Quantum Chaos |
Theoretical Nanophysics (until 2016: Mesoscopic Physics) |
One-dimensional systems (until 2016: Interacting 1D Electrons) |
The Physics of Disordered Systems (until 2016: Localization Theory) |
Quantum Mechanics |
Solid State Physics |
Quantum field theory of exotic correlated states of cold atoms
Correlations, quantum criticality and transport in mesoscopic and nanoscale systems
Non-equilibrium quantum field theory, dynamics, quantum quenches, thermalization
Interacting disordered systems
Válogatott közlemények
Miklós Antal Werner, Arne Brataas, Felix von Oppen, Gergely Zaránd
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 106601 (2019)
I. Shapir, A. Hamo, S. Pecker, C.P. Moca, Ö. Legeza, G. Zarand, S. Ilani,
Science 364, 870 (2019)
Miklós Antal Werner, Eugene Demler, Alain Aspect, Gergely Zaránd
Scientific Reports 8, 3641 (2018)
Catalin Pascu Moca, Christophe Mora, Ireneusz Weymann, and Gergely Zaránd
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120,016803 (2018)
Izabella Lovas, Balázs Dóra, Eugene Demler, and Gergely Zaránd
Phys. Rev. A 95, 053621 (2017)
Catalin Pascu Moca, Marton Kormos, and Gergely Zaránd
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 100603 (2017)
A. J. Keller, L. Peeters, C. P. Moca, I. Weymann, D. Mahalu, V. Umansky, G. Zaránd, D. Goldhaber-Gordon
Nature 526, 237 (2015)
A. J. Keller, S. Amasha, I. Weymann, C. P. Moca, I. G. Rau, J. A. Katine, Hadas Shtrikman, G. Zaránd, D. Goldhaber-Gordon
Nature Physics 10, 145 (2014) (open access: arXiv:1306.6326)
B. Pozsgay, M. Mestyan, M. A. Werner, M. Kormos, G. Zaránd, and G. Takács
Correlations after quantum quenches in the XXZ spin chain: Failure of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 117203 (2014)
Balázs Dóra, Frank Pollmann, József Fortágh, Gergely Zaránd
Loschmidt echo and the many-body orthogonality catastrophe in a qubit-coupled Luttinger liquid [pdf]
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 046402 (2013)
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