Rövid cím:
Cloaking of Encapsulated Molecules in Nanotubes
2016. 04. 08. 10:15
BME Fizikai Intézet, Elméleti Fizika Tanszék, Budafoki út 8. F-épület, III lépcsőház, szemináriumi szoba
Katalin Kamarás (Wigner. Res. Inst.)
The construction of an electromagnetic “invisibility cloak” usually involves a medium with spatially varying optical properties, i.e. a metamaterial. The topic of this talk is a cloaking mechanism based on electromagnetic shielding by polarizable electrons in real materials. Molecules encapsulated in carbon nanotubes become invisible to infrared radiation because of the mirror charges invoked in the nanotube wall during molecular vibrations. I will present experimental data and results of model calculations on this phenomenon.