Prevailing models of resistive switching arising from electrochemical formation of conducting filaments
across solid state ionic conductors commonly attribute the observed polarity of the voltage-biased
switching to the sequence of the active and inert electrodes confining the resistive switching memory
cell. Here we demonstrate stable switching behaviour in metallic Ag-Ag2S-Ag nanojunctions at room
temperature exhibiting similar characteristics. Our experimental results and numerical simulations
reveal that the polarity of the switchings is solely determined by the geometrical asymmetry of the
electrode surfaces. By the lithographical design of a proof of principle device we demonstrate the merits
of simplified fabrication of atomic-scale, robust planar Ag2S memory cells.
Asymmetry-induced resistive switching in Ag-Ag2S-Ag memristors enabling a simplified atomic-scale memory design
Rövid cím:
Ag-Ag2S-Ag memristors
2016. 09. 16. 10:15
BME Fizikai Intézet, Elméleti Fizika Tanszék, Budafoki út 8. F-épület, III lépcsőház, szemináriumi szoba
Miklós Csontos (BME Dept. Phys.)