Topological fine structure of an energy band

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Topological fine structure of an energy band
2025. 02. 28. 10:15
BME building F, seminar room of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics
János Asbóth (BME/Wigner)
A band with a nonzero Chern number cannot be fully localized by weak disorder: There must remain at least one extended state, which “carries the Chern number.” Here [1] we show that a trivial band can behave in a similar way. Instead of fully localizing, arbitrarily weak disorder leads to the emergence of two sets of extended states, positioned at two different energy intervals, which carry opposite Chern numbers. Thus, a single trivial band can show the same behavior as two separate Chern bands. We show that this property is predicted by a topological invariant, the “localizer index.” Even though the band as a whole is trivial as far as the Chern number is concerned, the localizer index allows access to a topological fine structure. This index changes as a function of energy within the bandwidth of the trivial band, causing nontrivial extended states to appear as soon as disorder is introduced. Our work points to a previously overlooked manifestation of topology, which impacts the response of systems to impurities beyond the information included in conventional topological invariants.
[1]: Hui Liu, Cosma Fulga, Emil J. Bergholtz, Janos Asboth: Topological fine structure of an energy band. arXiv:2312.08436