Egyetemi tanár

BSc courses
(in English)
MSc courses
(in English)
Particle Physics (BMETE15MF72)
Quantum Field Theory (BMETE15MF65)
Statistical Field Theory (BMETE15MF39)
Advanced Quantum Field Theory (BMETE15MF71)
Students supervised
PhD supervisions from national database
Ferenc Wágner
(joint supervision with Z. Bajnok and L. Palla)
1999-2000 MSc (Eötvös University, Budapest)
2000-2003 PhD (Eötvös University, Budapest, graduated in 2010)
Márton Kormos
2002-2003 MSc (Eötvös University, Budapest)
2003-2007 PhD (Eötvös University, Budapest)
Balázs Pozsgay
2005-2006 MSc (Eötvös University, Budapest)
2006-2009 PhD (Eötvös University, Budapest)
Miklós Szőts
2006-2007 MSc (Eötvös University, Budapest)
György Fehér
2009-2011 MSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Anna J. Zsigmond
2009-2010 BSc (Eötvös University, Budapest)
Máté Lencsés
2010-2011 MSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2011-2015 PhD (Eötvös University, Budapest)
István Szécsényi
2010-2013 PhD (Eötvös University, Budapest, graduated in 2017)
Tamás Pálmai
2011-2012 Part-time graduate student (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, PhD supervisor: B. Apagyi)
Márton Mestyán
2013-2015 MSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, supervision shared with B. Pozsgay)
Dávid Horváth
2014-2019 PhD (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Tibor Rakovszky
2015-2016 MSc student (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Levente Pristyák
2016-2017 BSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Octavio Pomponio
2017-2018 MSc (Bologna University, co-advisor: joint supervision with F. Ravanini)
2018-2022 PhD (Bologna University, co-advisor: joint supervision with F. Ravanini)
Dávid Szász-Schagrin
2017-2018 BSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2019-2020 MSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2020-2024 PhD (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Ivan Kukuljan
2017-2019 PhD (University of Ljubljana, coadvisor: joint supervision with T. Prosen)
Botond Nagy
2019-2020 BSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2021-2022 MSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2022-2026 PhD (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Anna Krasznai
2020-2021 BSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2022-2023 MSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2023-2027 PhD (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Bence Fitos
2022-2024 MSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2024-2028 PhD (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Publication list from the NASA/ADS database
Publication list with citations (from the Library of Hungarian Scientific Works)
Válogatott közlemények
1 |
Kukuljan I, Sotiriadis S, Takacs G Correlation Functions of the Quantum Sine-Gordon Model in and out of Equilibrium PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSS121:(8) Paper 110402. 7 p. (2018) |
2 |
Kormos M, Collura M, Takacs G, Calabrese P Real-time confinement following a quantum quench to a non-integrable model NATURE PHYSICS 13: pp. 246-249. (2017) |
3 |
M Mestyán, B Pozsgay, Takacs G, MA Werner Quenching the XXZ spin chain: quench action approach versus generalized Gibbs ensemble JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT 2015:(4) Paper P04001. 35 p. (2015) |
4 |
Pozsgay B, Mestyan M, Werner MA, Kormos M, Zarand G, Takacs G Correlations after Quantum Quenches in the XXZ Spin Chain: Failure of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 113:(11) Paper 117203. 5 p. (2014) |
5 |
Sotiriadis S, Takacs G, Mussardo G Boundary state in an integrable quantum field theory out of equilibrium PHYSICS LETTERS B 734: pp. 52-57. (2014) |
6 |
Pozsgay B, Takacs G Form factors in finite volume I: Form factor bootstrap and truncated conformal space NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 788:(3) pp. 167-208. (2008) |
7 |
Pozsgay B, Takacs G Form factors in finite volume II: Disconnected terms and finite temperature correlators NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 788:(3) pp. 209-251. (2008) |
8 |
Feverati G, Ravanini F, Takacs G Non-linear integral equation and finite volume spectrum of sine-Gordon theory NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 540:(3) pp. 543-586. (1999) |
9 |
Feverati G, Ravanini F, Takacs G Scaling functions in the odd charge sector of sine-Gordon massive Thirring theory PHYSICS LETTERS B 444:(3-4) pp. 442-450. (1998) |
10 |
Feverati G, Ravanini F, Takacs G Truncated conformal space at c=1, nonlinear integral equation and quantization rules for multi-soliton states PHYSICS LETTERS B 430:(3-4) pp. 264-273. (1998) |
- Invited talks at international conferences, workshops and schools
- Some recent invited seminars and colloquia
- Other talks at international conferences/workshops
- School lectures in Hungarian
- Other seminars and lectures in Hungary
- Popular science lectures
Invited talks at international conferences/workshops/schools
2024 |
Mathematical Physics for Quantum Science 1-10 Nov 2024, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Title: Confinement and localisation in out-of-equilibrium quantum spin chains |
2024 |
The 5th international workshop on quantum matter – quantum magnetism 19-23 Aug 2024, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China Title: Dynamics of confining spin chains (Zoom talk) |
2024 |
Mathematics and Physics of Integrability (MPI2024) 1 Jul -19 Jul 2024, MATRIX Institute, Creswick, Australia Title: Dynamics of confining spin chains |
2023 |
10th Bologna Workshop on Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Models 4–7 Sept 2023, INFN Bologna & Univ. Bologna, Italy Title: Sine-Gordon - a beautiful model of quantum fields |
2022 |
Talking Integrability: Spins, Fields, and Strings Aug 29, 2022 - Sep 1, 2022, KITP UC Santa Barbara, US Title: TTbar-deformation, long range spin chains and weak integrability breaking |
2022 |
Out-of-equilibrium and collective dynamics of quantum many-body systems June 27 - July 1, 2022, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Title: Quench Dynamics of Quantum Fields in One Spatial Dimension |
2022 |
Nonperturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory 23 May - 3 June, 2022, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Title: Non-equilibrium dynamics in 1+1 dimensional interacting scalar quantum field theory |
2021 |
Correlations in Integrable Quantum Many-Body Systems 24-26th August, 2021, Wuppertal, Germany Title: TTbar-deformation, long range spin chains and weak integrability breaking |
2021 |
Low Dimensional Quantum Many Body Systems 12-16th July, 2021, Heidelberg, Germany Title: Spin chain dynamics after a quantum quench to a nonintegrable Hamiltonian |
2019 |
The Wonders of Theoretical Physics 23-25 October, 2019, Trieste, Italy Title: Violation of horizon after a quantum quench in the sine-Gordon model |
2019 |
Emergent Hydrodynamics in Low Dimensional Quantum Systems May, 2019, Natal, Brazil Title: Entanglement growth and quasi-particle spectrum in non-equilibrium quantum systems |
2018 |
Nonequilibrium Quantum Dynamics and Relaxation Phenomena in Quantum Many-Body Systems 16-19 December, 2018, Krvavec, Slovenia Title: Entanglement dynamics in strongly correlated quantum systems |
2018 |
27 June 2018, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria Title: Correlation functions of the quantum sine-Gordon model in and out of equilibrium |
2018 |
Hamiltonian methods in strongly coupled Quantum Field Theory 8-12 January 2018, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France Title: Quenches in quantum field theory |
2017 |
Wonders of Broken Integrability 2-6 October 2017, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, SUNY Stony Brook, NY USA Title: Quenches in quantum field theory |
2017 |
Integrability in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems 26 June - 21 July 2017, MATRIX Mathematical Research Institute, Melbourne/Creswick, Australia Title: Quenches in quantum field theory |
2016 |
New Trends in Low-Dimensional Physics: Quantum Integrability and Applications 1 - 15 Sep 2016, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Title: Particle formation and ordering in strongly correlated fermionic systems: Solving a model of quantum chromodynamics |
2016 |
Conformal Field Theories and Renormalization Group Flows in Dimensions d>2 23 May - 8 July 2016, The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy Title: Truncated Hamiltonian approach to quantum quenches in field theory |
2015 |
13-17 July 2015, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal, Canada Title: Quenching the XXZ spin chain: quench action approach versus generalized Gibbs ensemble |
2015 |
Lecture Series on Quantum Quenches Intensive PhD course, 29 June - 9 July 2016, 13x2 lectures Department of Physics, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy |
2015 |
18-29 May 2015, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Title: Truncated conformal space approach: Numerical and analytical RG techniques |
2014 |
Quantum Integrability, Conformal Field Theory and Topological Quantum Computation 23 March-6 April 2014, International Institute of Physics, Natal, Brazil |
2014 |
Advances in Strong-Field Electrodynamics (lecture series) 3 - 6 Feb 2014, ELTE Bolyai College, Budapest, Hungary |
2012 |
The Beauty of Integrability: low-dimensional Physics, Statistical Models and Solitons 15-28 July 2012, International Institute of Physics, Natal, Brazil Title: Excited state g-functions from the Truncated Conformal Space |
2010 |
Finite-size technology in low dimensional quantum field theory (V) 27 June-17 July 2010, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Spain Title: Systematic perturbative expansion for nonintegrable quantum field theories |
2008 |
APCTP Focus Program: Finite-size technology in low dimensional quantum field theory (IV) 25 June-15 July 2008, Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Korea Title: Form factors in finite volume and finite temperature correlators |
2006 |
4th EUCLID Annual Meeting on Integrable Models and Applications: from Strings to Condensed Matter 11-15 September 2006, École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France Title: Characterization of resonances using finite size effects |
2005 |
APCTP Focus Program: Finite-size technology in low dimensional quantum field theory (II) 20 June-9 July 2005, Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Korea Title: Casimir force between planes as a boundary finite size effect |
2003 |
1st EUCLID Annual Meeting on Integrable Models and Applications: from Strings to Condensed Matter 15-20 September 2003, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy Plenary talk: On the perturbative formulation of quantum field theory with boundary |
2001 |
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Statistical Field Theories 18-23 June 2001, Villa Olmo (Como, Italy) Title: Sine-Gordon with Neumann boundary condition: the spectrum of boundary states |
2000 |
4th Informal UK Meeting on Integrable Systems and Conformal Field Theory 24-25 March 2000, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, UK |
Some recent invited seminars and colloquia
2024 |
Colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Crete 8th Feb 2024 Title: Dynamics of confining spin chains |
2022 |
Theory Seminar, INFN Sezione di Bologna, Universitá di Bologna 14th June 2022 Title: Non-equilibrium dynamics of the self-interacting scalar field |
2020 |
Joint ICTP/SISSA Seminar on Statistical Field Theory, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Trieste 30th January 2020 Title: Quantum quenches in sine-Gordon: progress and challenges |
2018 |
Theory Seminar, INFN Sezione di Bologna, Universitá di Bologna 22nd March 2018 Title: Dynamical confinement and Gibbs mixing entropy in non-equilibrium quantum systems |
2017 |
Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Ljubljana 26th May 2017 Title: Dynamical confinement in non-equilibrium quantum systems |
2017 |
Ortvay Colloquium, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 2nd March 2017 Title: Dynamical confinement in non-equilibrium quantum systems |
2017 |
String Theory Seminar, Department of Physics, Queen Mary University of London 2nd February 2017 Title: Particle formation and ordering in strongly correlated systems: a 1+1D model of QCD |
2016 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 9th March 2016 Title: Particle Formation and Ordering in Strongly Correlated Fermionic Systems: Solving a Model of Quantum Chromodynamics |
2015 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 4th March 2015 Title: Form factor relocalisation and interpolating renormalisation group flows from the staircase model |
2015 |
HAS Institute of Nuclear Physics, Debrecen 27th April 2015 Title: Correlations after quantum quenches in the XXZ spin chain: Failure of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble |
2015 |
HAS Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest 24th April/8th May, 2015 Title: An Introduction to WZNW conformal field theories I-II |
2015 |
Dublin Area Theoretical Physics Colloquium School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin, 4th February 2015 Title: Form factors in finite volume |
2015 |
Joint ICTP/SISSA Seminar on Statistical Field Theory, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Trieste 30th January 2015 Title: Form factor relocalisation and interpolating renormalisation group flows from the staircase model |
2014 |
Nanophysics Seminar, Eötvös University, Budapest 15th December, 2014 Title: Correlations after quantum quenches in the XXZ spin chain: Failure of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble |
2014 |
CERN TH String Theory Seminar, Theory Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 20th May 2014 Title: TCSA for beginners |
2013 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 20th March 2013 Title: Asymptotic scattering of the quantum Potts spin chain and the continuum limit |
2012 |
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA), University of Amsterdam 12th June 2012 Title: Form factors in finite volume and finite temperature correlators |
2012 |
Department of Mathematics, King's College London 1st November 2012 Title: Finite temperature correlators in integrable QFT |
2012 |
North British Mathematical Physics Seminar, Durham University 27th October 2012 Title: Finite temperature correlators in integrable QFT |
2012 |
HAS Institute of Nuclear Physics, Debrecen 24th April 2012 Title: Form factors in finite volume and finite temperature correlators |
2012 |
Trieste Joint ICTP/SISSA Seminar on Statistical Field Theory, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) 27th March 2012 Title: Form factors in finite volume: recent developments |
2009 |
Mathematical Research Seminar Centre for Mathematical Science, City University London 31st March 2009 Title: Solitons and topological sectors in nonintegrable quantum field theories |
2009 |
Trieste Joint ICTP/SISSA Seminar on Statistical Field Theory, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) 20th January 2009 Title: Form factors in finite volume and finite temperature correlators |
2006 |
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (Jussieu) Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Énergies 24th November 2006 Title: Correlation functions of boundary operators: the boundary form factor program |
2006 |
Séminaires de Physique Mathématique Service de Physique Théorique, CEA--Saclay 20th November 2006 Title: Characterization of resonances using finite size effects |
2001 |
Centre for Particle Theory, Deparment of Mathematics, Durham University 14th November 2001 Title: Sine-Gordon model with a boundary |
2000 |
Meeting on Methods and Applications of Integrable Boundary QFT Centre for Particle Theory, Deparment of Mathematics, Durham University, Durham, UK 26th February 2000 Title: The DdV nonlinear integral equation and finite size spectra in IQFT |
Other talks at international conferences/workshops
2016 |
Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium 11-15 January 2016, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK Title: Initial states in integrable quantum field theory quenches from an integral equation hierarchy |
2014 |
Workshop on Mathematical physics of non-equilibrium quantum systems 18-19 December, 2014, King's College London, London, UK Title: Correlations after quantum quenches in the XXZ spin chain: Failure of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble |
2011 |
8th Bologna workshop on CFT and Integrable Model 12-15 September, 2011, INFN Sezione di Bologna, Bologna, Italy Title: Thermal correlators in integrable models |
2007 |
QFEXT07: Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under External Conditions 17-21 September 2007, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig , Germany Title: Casimir effect in the boundary state formalism |
2006 |
7th Bologna workshop on CFT and Integrable Model 5-8 July 2006, INFN Sezione di Bologna, Bologna, Italy Title: On the boundary form factor program |
2000 |
John Hopkins Workshop on Nonperturbative QFT Methods and Their Applications 19-21 August 2000, Bolyai College, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary Title: Nonperturbative Analysis of the Two-Frequency Sine-Gordon Model |
2000 |
TMR Summer School on Recent Advances and Applications of Conformal Field Theory 22-26 May 2000, Sete, France Title: k-Folded Sine-Gordon Theory in Finite Volume |
1998 |
2nd annual TMR conference on Integrability, Nonperturbative Effects and Symmetry in Quantum Field Theory 21-25 September 1998, Department of Mathematics, Durham University, Durham, UK Title: Excited State Scaling Functions in Sine-Gordon Theory |
1997 |
3rd Bologna workshop on CFT and Integrable Models 1-4 October 1997, INFN Sezione di Bologna, Bologna, Italy Title: Scattering Amplitudes in Imaginary Coupled g2(1) and d4(3) Toda Field Theories |
1996 |
Triangle Seminar on Particle Physics November 1996, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria Title: On the Relation Between Φ(1,2) and Φ(1,5) Perturbations of Minimal Models |
1996 |
Eötvös School and Workshop on Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Models 13-21 August 1996, Bolyai College, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary Title: Φ(1,5) Perturbations of Virasoro Minimal Models |
School lectures in Hungarian
Summer School in Theoretical Physics, 1993-2008: Gyöngyöstarján, 2009-2010: Tihany, Hungary
2010 | The quantum world: emergent classicality and probabilistic interpretation (1 lecture) |
2009 | AdS/CFT: the Maldacena Conjecture (2 lectures) |
2002 | AdS/CFT: the Maldacena Conjecture (3 lectures) |
1997 | Nontrivial Fixed Points in SUSY Gauge Theories (3 lectures) |
1994 | Matrix Models and 2D Quantum Gravity (2 lectures) |
1993 | Perturbative Finite Temperature Quantum Field Theory (5 lectures) |
Balaton Summer School in Theoretical Physics
2009 | Balaton Summer School "From quarks to galaxies", 5-12 July 2009, Balatongyörök Particle Physics: Theoretical Introduction (4 lectures) |
Other seminars and lectures in Hungary
2020 |
Directions of Progress in Physics 11th November 2020, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Title: Closed Quantum Systems Far from Equilibrium (in Hungarian) |
2019 |
Physics Meets Philosophy 5th Workshop: ON WHAT THERE IS 23rd September 2019 Title: Recipee for a Universe |
2016 |
BME Open Day, 25 November 2016 Title: Waves, particles and wonders of the quantum world (in Hungarian) |
2016 |
Apáczai Days, Apáczai Csere János Practice School, Budapest 23 March 2016 Title: Alice in Wonderland: the world of particles (in Hungarian) |
2016 |
Theoretical Physics Seminar, Department of Theoretical Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics March 11, 2016 Title: Particle Formation and Ordering in Strongly Correlated Fermionic Systems: Solving a Model of Quantum Chromodynamics |
2014 |
Theoretical Physics Seminar, Department of Theoretical Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics 28 October 2014 Title: Correlations after quantum quenches in the XXZ spin chain: Failure of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble |
2012 |
Particle Physics Seminar 11th April 2012, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest Title: Excited state boundary entropy (g-)functions |
2012 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 15th February 2012 Title: Determination of resonances and matrix elements in finite volume: anomalous exponential corrections |
2011 |
Ortvay Colloquium, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 17th November 2011 Title: Quantum field theory in two dimensions (in Hungarian) |
2011 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 12th October 2011 P. Forgács, A. Patkós, G. Takács, G. Cynolter, A. Jakovác: Faster than light? Theoretical considerations |
2010 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 6th October 2010 Title: Form factor expansion for thermal correlators |
2010 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 25th November 2010 Title: Gravity as an entropic force |
2010 |
Theoretical Physics Seminar, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest 24th September 2010 Title: Gravity as entropic force |
2010 |
Seminar of the Hungarian CMS Group, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest 26th April and 10th May 2010 Title: Cosmology and the MSSM: theoretical background and present limits |
2010 |
Seminar of the Dept. of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest 23rd April 2010 Title: Form factor expansion of finite temperature correlators |
2009 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 16th September 2009 Title: Form factor perturbation theory in nonintegrable models: a systematic expansion based on finite size effects |
2009 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 13th May 2009 Title: Effective Potential and Topological Excitations in Nonintegrable Field Theories |
2008 |
Ortvay Colloquium, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 4th December 2008 Title: Casimir Effect and the Physical Vacuum |
2008 |
Mathematics/Physics Seminar, Eötvös College, Budapest 9th October 2008 Title: Vacuum energy: the Casimir effect and beyond |
2007 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 17th October 2007 Title: Finite Temperature Correlators in Integrable Quantum Field Theories |
2004 |
Particle Physics Seminar, Institute of Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest 13th October 2004 Title: Finite Size Effects in Boundary Quantum Field Theories |
Popular science lectures, interviews
2024 |
Science Campus, BME Faculty of Science
15th November 2024
What does physics say about reality? |
2024 |
Introductory lecture at the two-day event of Nobel Prize-winning experiments for secondary school students 28th October, 2024 Quantum tricks in the depths of reality |
2024 |
Quantum Boundaries workshop, Óbuda University 30th August 2024 What is quantum mechanics? (in Hungarian) |
2024 |
Living Astronomy 8/6, Svábhegyi Observatory 10th April 2024 Quantum theory and parallel worlds (in Hungarian, video) |
2024 |
Science Campus, BME Faculty of Science
2nd February 2024
Parallel worlds and quantum physics - a conversation with Gábor Takács on Sean Carroll's recent book |
2023 |
Radio interview on Trend FM with Andrea Olah 14th December 2023 On the book Something Deeply Hidden by Sean Carroll (in Hungarian, podcast) |
2023 |
Apáczai Days, Apáczai Csere János Practice School, Budapest 20th October 2023 Title: The building blocks of reality: what is the MATRIX? (in Hungarian) |
2023 |
Science Campus, BME Faculty of Science 31st March 2023 |
2023 |
Multiverzum, M5 television channel 26th Match 2023 Short interview on the physics of time (in Hungarian, video) |
2022 |
From the atoms to the stars, ELTE Institute of Physics 24th November 2022 Do we understand quantum mechanics? (in Hungarian, video) |
2018 |
Researchers' Night, BME Institute of Physics 28th September 2018 Title: Fundamental Building Blocks of Matter: Recipee for a Universe (in Hungarian; video) |
2018 |
BME Wigner College plenary lecture 1st March 2018 Title: Solitons (in Hungarian) |
2017 |
BME Faculty of Science Open Day 10 November 2017 Title: Alice in Wonderland: the World of Particles (in Hungarian) |
2016 |
BME Open Day, 25 November 2016 Title: Waves, particles and wonders of the quantum world (in Hungarian) |
2016 |
Apáczai Days, Apáczai Csere János Practice School, Budapest 23 March 2016 Title: Alice in Wonderland: the world of particles (in Hungarian) |
2015 |
Apáczai Days, Apáczai Csere János Practice School, Budapest 1 April 2015 Title: Polarized light (light as you never saw before) (in Hungarian) |
2012 |
Hungarian Skeptic Society's Club Meeting 21st February 2012 Title: "Quo vadis, theoria chordarum?" – status and prespectives of string theory (in Hungarian) |
PhD supervisor page (Hungarian Doctoral Council)
Popular science lectures (in Hungarian)