Flagship projects, research groups
Statistical Field Theory Research Group
This 'Momentum' research group, financed by the HAS and the BME, studies the dynamics of one-dimensional quantum systems, such as spin chains, one-dimensional Bose gases, and related quantum field theory models. Compared to higher dimensional systems, quantum effects and correlations between degrees of freedom play a much more important role in one dimension, resulting in numerous exotic phenomena. In a significant part of these phenomena the so-called integrability or its absence play a central role.
Computational Magnetism Research Group
The main research objective of the Computational Magnetism research group is a theoretical and computational investigation of magnetic phenomena in bulk alloys, heterostructures and nano-particles. One of our tools is based on spin-models with first priciples calculation and Monte-Carlo and Langevin dynamics smiulations, the other on relativistic implementation of disordered local moment scheme which takes into account the interplay between the thermal spin-fluctuations and the electronic structure. We carry out our project within a broad international cooperation, including experimental and industrial partners.
Statistical Physics of complex systems
Social networks are interesting complex systems where the agents are human beings. Besides their commercial and social interest physical methods opened new horizons in this fields. ICT based communications create a lot of data which can be analyzed and modeled to understand human society. Our group has access to many of such databases, like: mobile phone, IP phone services and the Hungarian social network site iwiw data and furthermore we are also interested in modelling the observed features.