Dr. Varjas Dániel

Tudományos főmunkatárs

Amorphous Topological Matter
Amorf topologikus anyagok
F III. 1. em 3.
+36 1 463 2147


2024/25 Fall semester

Mathematical Methods in Physics BMETE11AP58

Practice Session T1, Thursday 12:15-13:45, room KF87


My research focuses on disordered topological insulators and superconductors, with special focus on quasicrystalline and amorphous materials.

Topological phases of matter are distinguished by robust properties that are insensitive to perturbations. These include quantized responses, perfectly conducting interfaces, and exactly zero energy modes with potential technological applications, such as fault-tolerant quantum computation. During the past decade remarkable progress was made in theoretically predicting and experimentally realizing a vast number of new topological phases, including higher order and crystalline topological phases. However, amorphous matter lies outside of this framework, despite the fact that such materials are very common and of high technological importance. This project addresses the open questions:

• What new topological phases can exist in amorphous materials?

• How to apply insights from simplified models to first principles calculations describing real materials?

The first goal of the project is to develop theoretical approaches to capture topology and symmetry in disordered materials, and to construct simple models to demonstrate the universal properties of new amorphous topological phases. The second goal is to model experimentally relevant amorphous materials and their physical properties, such as electromagnetic responses or angle-resolved photoemission spectra (ARPES).

Open postdoc positions available!

The positions are available in the research group led by Janos Asboth, Andras Palyi, and myself at the BME Department of Theoretical Physics. We work on topological properties of condensed-matter systems, the physics of semiconducting and superconducting qubits, benchmarking of quantum computers, quantum algorithms, and quantum error correction. The postdocs will have the opportunity to work on any of these topics according to their preference. Interested applicants should contact us by email, attaching a CV, before 1st September, 2024 for full consideration.

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