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A. Tichai, K. Kapás, T. Miyagi, M. A. Werner, Ö. Legeza, A. Schwenk, G. Zarand
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B. C. Nagy, G. Takács, M. Kormos
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D. Szász-Schagrin, I. Lovas, and G. TakácsNonequilibrium time evolution in the sine-Gordon modelarxiv: 2309.03596
G. Del Vecchio Del Vecchio, M. Kormos, B. Doyon, and A. BastianelloExact Large-Scale Fluctuations of the Phase Field in the Sine-Gordon Modelarxiv: 2305.10495
C. P. Moca, M. A. Werner, A. Valli, T. Prosen, and G. Zaránd
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B. C. Nagy, M. Kormos, and G. Takács
Thermodynamics and fractal Drude weights in the sine-Gordon model -
A. Tichai, S. Knecht, A. T. Kruppa, Ö. Legeza, C. P. Moca, A. Schwenk, M. A. Werner, and G. ZarandCombining the in-medium similarity renormalization group with the density matrix renormalization group: Shell structure and information entropy
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M. A. Werner, C. P. Moca, M. Kormos, Ö. Legeza, B. Dóra, and G. ZarándSpectroscopic evidence for engineered hadron formation in repulsive fermionic Hubbard systems
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B. Fitos, G. TakácsWeak vs. strong breaking of integrability in interacting scalar quantum field theoriesarxiv: 2305.02666
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B. Dóra, M. A. Werner, and C. P. Moca
Quantum quench dynamics in the Luttinger liquid phase of the Hatano-Nelson model -
C. P. Moca, D. Sticlet, B. Dóra, and G. Zaránd
PT-symmetry phase transition in a Bose-Hubbard model with localized gain and loss -
M. Lencsés, A. Miscioscia, G. Mussardo and G. Takács
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